Guide to Remove Trustpilot Review: Managing Your Online Reputation

Are you looking to remove a negative Trustpilot review that’s tarnishing your business’s reputation? You’re not alone. Every business at some point faces the challenge of handling less-than-favorable feedback. In this article, we give you a clear and reliable guide on how to remove Trustpilot reviews that are unwanted—whether they’re inaccurately representing your business or violating Trustpilot’s guidelines. Let’s dive into the process of managing your online presence effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Trustpilot factors in recency and frequency of reviews to calculate a company’s TrustScore, promoting transparency and preventing misuse of the reporting tools to unjustly remove negative reviews.
  • Negative Trustpilot reviews can be removed if they contravene the platform’s rules; businesses can flag them for specific reasons, which triggers an investigation by Trustpilot.
  • Professional review management services aid in maintaining a positive online reputation by helping businesses eliminate negative reviews, stay compliant with platform policies, and contribute to overall company growth.

Understanding Trustpilot Reviews

Trustpilot has revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers. Its inclusive approach promotes sharing experiences without barriers, which greatly benefits both businesses and consumers. The platform does not merely calculate a company’s TrustScore based on an average of all ratings. Instead, it factors in the recency and frequency of reviews, offering a more accurate representation of the business’s performance.

Trustpilot’s transparent flagging feature enhances the credibility of the review process. Consumers can see how many reviews a company has flagged, which provides an invaluable layer of transparency. But here’s the catch: reviews can’t be flagged unjustly. Misuse of the reporting tools to remove negative reviews is strictly prohibited. Trustpilot aims to maintain the integrity of feedback, ensuring that every voice is heard and valued.

Trustpilot’s Review Posting Policy

Anyone can post a review on Trustpilot which emphasizes the platform’s extensive reach. This barrier-free opportunity to share experiences enhances the worth of unfiltered customer feedback for both businesses and consumers. However, this openness demands responsibility. Inappropriate use of reporting tools, like unjustified reporting of reviews for removal, is not allowed.

Trustpilot aspires to preserve the integrity of feedback, providing a fair and transparent platform for all, making each Trustpilot review valuable.

The Impact of Negative Reviews on Businesses

Negative reviews on Trustpilot can significantly impact a business’s TrustScore and overall online reputation. They influence consumer decisions, making users less likely to patronize a business. The power of peer recommendations means negative feedback can have a tangible impact on consumer behavior. This highlights the importance of managing these perceptions effectively.

Professional services specializing in online reputation management can aid businesses in responding to and rebuilding trust after receiving negative reviews.

Removing Negative Trustpilot Reviews: A Step-by-Step Guide

Although Trustpilot doesn’t typically remove negative reviews, it evaluates and potentially eliminates them if they contravene the platform’s rules. Negative reviews should only be flagged for specific reasons that may necessitate further scrutiny or removal.

Wondering how to navigate this process? Here’s a step-by-step breakdown for you.

Logging in to Your Trustpilot Business Account

To begin with, sign into your Trustpilot business account. If you don’t already have one, signing up is straightforward. You can create a Trustpilot business account with your email, providing necessary details, and set up your password as per the instructions in the confirmation email. Alternatively, you can use single sign-on options such as:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Microsoft

If you choose to sign up via social media or Google, you’ll need to authorize Trustpilot to access your account details to create your business profile automatically.

Navigating to Service Reviews

After logging in, proceed to your service reviews. This is where you can review customer feedback. To find service reviews, select ‘Manage reviews’ on the Trustpilot dashboard, then choose ‘Service reviews’.

This will direct you to the ‘Inbox’, the collection point for all service-related feedback from customers.

Flagging and Reporting Negative Reviews

The process of flagging and reporting negative reviews on Trustpilot is uncomplicated. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Navigate to ‘Manage reviews’ > ‘Service reviews’ > ‘Inbox’.
  2. Click the flag icon next to the review.
  3. Select ‘Harmful or illegal’. This action triggers an investigation.
  4. For reviews containing personal information, flag them and request the reviewer to edit or delete the information within 3 days.

If a review contains advertising or promotional content, you can flag it directly to Trustpilot’s Content Integrity Team for investigation. If a review refers to a different business or is not based on a genuine experience, you can request the reviewer to update their review or flag it for further investigation. After a flagged review is investigated, Trustpilot communicates the outcome and the review’s status through your business account.

Remember, Trustpilot only allows a review to be flagged for one issue at a time; subsequent issues can be addressed after the resolution of the preceding one.

Dealing with Fake Trustpilot Reviews

Fake reviews can inflict severe damage on a business’s reputation, often when such content originates from competitors. Trustpilot’s fraud detection technology uses powerful software that operates around the clock to analyze behavioral parameters and identify fake reviews.

Reviews with a high likelihood of being fake are assigned a ‘fake score’ by the fraud detection system. Reviews with a very high score are automatically taken down to remove fake reviews. This system maintains impartiality by treating all reviews equally, ensuring that subscription status to Trustpilot services does not affect the evaluation.

In addition to automated processes, Content Integrity Agents and Investigators at Trustpilot engage in manual reviews of patterns and anomalies to root out fake reviews.

Identifying Suspicious Reviews

While spotting suspicious reviews can be difficult, it’s certainly not impossible. Examining a reviewer’s profile page on Trustpilot provides insights such as their location, all reviews written, and potentially their email address if invited. Reviews that excessively use business names or sound like marketing material are suspect and worth closer evaluation.

Overly positive, fake or negative reviews lacking a balanced perspective can point to inauthentic content, and a cluster of many negative reviews posted within a short time referencing the same feature might indicate a coordinated effort to skew the product rating.

Reporting Fake Reviews

If you stumble upon a review that appears fake, you have the option to report it to Trustpilot’s Content Integrity Team. After a review is flagged as suspicious, the team conducts a manual investigation to ensure the review complies with the platform’s guidelines.

If fake reviews are detected, Trustpilot may issue warnings, use legal action, alert consumers, or collaborate with authorities to address the fraudulent activity.

In instances where reviewers believe their review has been wrongly removed, they are notified and can contact Trustpilot for a chance to have the review reinstated.

Responding to Negative Reviews: Best Practices

Although receiving a negative review can be discouraging, your response can significantly alter the situation. Before addressing a negative review, it’s vital to comprehend the customer’s experience thoroughly to tailor an effective response. Always remain professional and courteous in all responses. Express genuine concern and the intent to resolve any issues. Be honest about any mistakes made and clearly outline the actionable steps you’ve taken to remedy the situation. Here are some key points to remember when responding to a negative review:

  1. Understand the customer’s experience
  2. Remain professional and courteous
  3. Express genuine concern and intent to resolve issues
  4. Be honest about any mistakes made
  5. Outline actionable steps taken to remedy the situation

By following these guidelines, you can effectively address negative reviews and maintain a positive reputation.

Inviting customers to discuss their complaints offline demonstrates a willingness to resolve issues in a more personal and direct manner. Signing off with a name or initials adds a human touch to the response, making customers feel valued and heard. Responding to all reviews, positive or negative, demonstrates to customers that their feedback is valued and encourages more reviews.

Crafting a Polite and Helpful Response

Formulating a courteous and supportive response to a negative review demands diplomacy and empathy. Responding to all reviews, positive or negative, shows customers that you value their feedback. An apology might be appropriate in some cases, but avoid accepting responsibility for issues outside of your control.

Service reviews can be effectively managed and organized by categorizing them and tracking common themes using Trustpilot’s tagging system.

Encouraging Positive Reviews

Encouraging positive reviews is an effective strategy for maintaining a high TrustScore. Here are some ways to do it:

  • Ask for reviews onsite or follow up via email, which can lead to more immediate and positive feedback.
  • Provide links to review sites to make it easier for customers to leave a review.
  • Offer incentives for writing reviews, like discounts or contest entry, to motivate feedback without affecting the review content’s authenticity.

Promoting excellent reviews on social media and your company website, recognizing reviewers by name, helps build a community of active and loyal customers.

Protecting Your Online Reputation

Like the old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’, the same principle holds for your online reputation. Utilizing professional review management services can help protect your company’s online reputation by combating false reviews and unflattering ratings. These services provide tools and strategies to control what others are saying about your business online.

Trustpilot constantly upgrades its processes and technology to curb the presence of fake reviews and preserve the platform’s integrity. However, businesses should also take the initiative in managing their online reputation.

Monitoring Your Trustpilot Profile

Frequent checks on your Trustpilot profile can yield valuable insights. It helps understand the number of reviews received, sources of the reviews, and the current TrustScore, which is critical for assessing business performance. A prompt response to negative reviews demonstrates to customers that the business values their feedback and is committed to improving their experience.

Businesses can filter and manage their service reviews by a variety of parameters and use reference numbers within reviews to connect feedback to specific customer transactions.

Implementing Fraud Detection Software

Trustpilot utilizes automated fraud detection software to pinpoint and eliminate fake or detrimental reviews. Reviews considered fake do not represent a genuine service or buying experience, or they attempt to manipulate consumer perception or behavior. Trustpilot’s Content Integrity experts use a combination of behavioral pattern analysis and additional data points like IP addresses to identify fake reviews.

The platform’s Content Integrity team combines technology with expert analysis to investigate and remove reviews that exhibit abnormal behavioral patterns.

Leveraging Professional Review Management Services

Professional review management services offer several benefits for businesses, including:

  • Streamlining the process of eliminating negative reviews online, saving business owners time and confusion
  • Helping businesses stay compliant with review platform policies, such as Trustpilot’s guidelines, to avoid penalties or bans
  • Being part of a comprehensive online reputation management campaign that includes content creation, building web properties, and reputation monitoring

These services can greatly improve a business’s online reputation and contribute to company growth by helping attract more paying businesses, resulting in more customers.

Enlisting their help ensures that your business can maintain a high level of online reputation management, allowing you to focus on your core business operations.


We’ve taken a detailed journey through managing your Trustpilot reviews, understanding the impact of negative and fake reviews, and learning the best practices for responding to reviews. We’ve also touched on the importance of monitoring and managing your Trustpilot profile and the benefits of leveraging professional review management services.

Remember, every review offers an opportunity for growth, and the way you respond can turn a negative review into a positive experience. Keep your responses professional and empathetic, encourage positive reviews, and always strive to offer exceptional customer service. With these best practices in mind, you can effectively manage your online reputation and build a trustworthy brand on Trustpilot.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can Trustpilot reviews be removed?

Yes, Trustpilot reviews can be removed if they violate the guidelines, and the decision to remove a review is up to the person who wrote it.

How do I turn off Trustpilot reviews?

To turn off Trustpilot reviews, go to Trustpilot Business, navigate to Settings > Personal settings, uncheck the boxes next to the types of reviews you no longer want to receive email notifications about, and click Save changes.

Does Trustpilot pay to remove bad reviews?

No, Trustpilot does not allow businesses to pay to remove bad reviews. It is committed to transparency and does not engage in such practices.

How do I remove myself from Trustpilot?

To remove yourself from Trustpilot, log in to your user account, go to My Settings, select Delete my profile, and follow the prompts to confirm the deletion.

How can I flag a negative review on Trustpilot?

To flag a negative review on Trustpilot, you can navigate to ‘Manage reviews’ > ‘Service reviews’ > ‘Inbox’, click the flag icon next to the review, and select the reason for flagging. This will initiate an investigation.

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